CSCI 780 – IoT Security

Overview [Syllabus] [Schedule] [Research Project]

Instructor               Adwait Nadkarni (apnadkarni AT wm DOT edu)
Location                 James Blair Hall, Room:219
Time                         T/Th 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
Office Hours         Tuesday 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, Thursday 9:20AM – 10:50 AM, and by appointment (Zoom)

This class will provide student with a comprehensive overview of the space of Internet of Things (IoT) security. The course will cover a diverse array of challenges in IoT security, with a focus on smart buildings (homes, offices, and campus deployments). We will explore these challenges in terms of how they relate to existing security research topics, including but not limited to access control, network security, authentication, security protocol design and analysis, intrusion detection, program analysis, and operating systems security. The course will involve paper presentations, class discussions, and a semester-long course project. The outcome of the project will be a conference-style research paper, wherein students will select, define, plan, conduct, and communicate their original security research project, and in process develop or refine their research skills.

A detailed list of lecture by lecture contents, assignments, and due dates (subject to change as semester evolves) is available on the course schedule.


Please follow this course website for the up-to-date schedule. Apart from this,

  • We will use Piazza for announcements and class discussions. Please sign up.
  • We will use Blackboard for submitting homework assignments and the take-home final

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